Entries by Reece Heron

RONTEC Partner with Forecourt Eye

Rontec, one of the UK’s largest independent fuel retailers, has signed an agreement with Forecourt Eye to provide their service across all 264 sites throughout the UK. Rontec Operation Director Nick Lowe said, “ Forecourt crime is unfortunately on the increase in the UK, and we wanted to offer a service to our Operators that […]

Forecourt Eye acknowledges vastly improved DVLA service after years of lobbying

Nick Fisher, founder and CEO of Forecourt Eye, acknowledges the vastly improved service accessing vehicle keeper details, following years of lobbying by a team led by the PRA. Credit where credit is due for the vastly improved process that has recently been introduced by the DVLA. 

Forecourt Eye and the PRA have been lobbying for 5 years for digital access to keeper details via their ‘KADOE’ service. A team was formed, led by the PRA which include the Home Office Neighbourhood Crime Unit, the DVLA, and also representation from the police at DCC level and Operation Tutelage supported for a short period too. Even though the ultimate objective was access to keeper details digitally, other options were also discussed such as the police dealing with all cases of fuel taken as criminal incidents which would mean no civil recovery, but all parties agreed this was not a viable option. We asked the DVLA to pilot a part-electronic process but due to their internal longer-term IT improvements this was rejected. Forecourt Eye offered to pay for a full time person to be based at the DVLA, dedicated to processing our keeper detail requests, again this was also rejected.

Five years later and we still don’t have access to the DVLA’s KODOE service, however what the lobbying did achieve was bring the DVLA and Forecourt Eye closer. A joint operational team was formed to monitor in detail the process Forecourt Eye experienced when applying for keeper detail via the paper based process. 

Forecourt Eye at this time had a considerable back log of applications and we expressed to the DVLA the impact this had on both encouraging and enabling repeat offenders and on our ability to recover fuel debt for our customers. Over the last 12 months through working together significant processing improvement have been and we are all now beginning to reap the rewards of these efforts. 

The service provided by the DVLA has improved considerably and turnaround is now 10 days door to door. For a paper based service we believe this is the best result we can achieve. 

So, credit where credit is due for the vast improved process! We have certainly been quick to complain publicly and privately to the DVLA in the past, now, Forecourt Eye would like to publicly thank the DVLA for their support and commitment to improving their service to Forecourt Eye and the rest of the industry.

Forecourt Eye offer a fully digital fuel losses service for NMoP and Drive Off’s to UK fuel retailers and are continually recovering on average of 60-70% of reported fuel losses. For more information about what we do please contact us on [email protected] or call us on 0113 887 4870.

Simon Lawrence impressed with Facewatch upgrade

Simon Lawrence, owner of Lawrence’s garages, upgraded to the new Facewatch system and over the last 2 months reports that the system’s new periocular algorithm is performing well. He said, Since Facewatch installed their new face mask system last November we have been impressed with the way it recognises people wearing masks and the new […]

Gareth Lewis – Southern COOP

This is our 4th year with Forecourt Eye protecting all our sites in the Southern COOP estate. There platform is easy to use and has delivered consistently positive results for us. Gareth Lewis – Southern COOP

Drive Off’s at all time High!

FORECOURT EYE has analysed Drive Off and NMOP incident data to compare the difference in activity between Jan 2021 & Jan 2020. More than 600 fuel stations contributed to this study and all data was captured at source digitally to ensure complete accuracy. January 21 saw a significant increase in Drive Off’s from 45% (2020) […]